Jeffrey Nowlin is an extremely talented emerging young artist. He works in a variety of media: sculpture, painting, illustration, quilting, printmaking.
This photo shoot was divided into two distinct parts: 1.) We began with environmental portraiture. For the main light, I used a strobe with a CTO gel for the backlight, mimicking natural sunlight streaming through the window. I used also another strobe in a soft box camera right for some fill. Jeffrey is surrounded by his art work, mostly sculpture and some mixed media illustrations, as well as one of his quilts is draped over his legs. 2.) We then moved on to the more conceptual, dramatically lit portraits, in which I created a sort of punk-rock-androgynous look for Jeffrey. Selections of his original art work are being used as backgrounds in many of the images.
The entire shoot took place in his small, rented bedroom in Boston.
Environmental Portraiture: Jeffrey with selected pieces of his work, in his room.
Part II.