The Incomparable Mr. Wallace | Boston Music Portrait Photographer

I did a quick, impromptu shoot in January for my good friend and Boston musician extraordinaire, Pat Wallace (aka Trick Wallce). The shoot took place in his apartment in Cambridge.

Here are a few favorites from the shoot:

The above images were lit, of course.

But the image below was taken outdoors in natural light. There's something about it that I just love. I should note that it was a very overcast day; snow clouds were abundant, which made for some nice, diffused, even light. 

I think it's his slightly strained expression that I love. I shot this in a hurry so as not to treat my willing subject too cruelly, as it was very cold and blustery. I'm sure he was thinking something along the lines of  "The things I do for this girl!" or "Hurry up, it's COLD!" and an expletive or two. Whatever it was, it came across. Just a simple split second, with no fancy lighting, but it reads, you know? Anyway, I dig it. 

When I decide to convert an image to black & white, I sometimes have a difficult time choosing between it and the original color version. Often, the choice is obvious. But sometimes it isn't. When I can't decide I ask my husband, who is completely objective and knows absolutely nothing about photography. Which is great, because he can then give me a visceral, gut reaction perspective. We were both stumped on the above image, so I decided to share both.   

On a personal note:  My title for this post includes the adjective "incomparable". I chose that word deliberately. My husband and I have known Pat for years and we both agree  - as I'm sure that all who know him would also agree - that he is the real deal. A true friend. Committed, honest, selfless, and so very generous with the thing that matters most...his time. These qualities do not go unnoticed.

He has a significant birthday coming up very soon. Happy birthday, Mr. Wallace! We celebrate your friendship, your presence in our lives!